Our team has a tremendous background in travel planning and we know which trips will utterly delight clients. We have curated our travel collection to only include the most immersive and fulfilling experiences. We have either traveled on these trips ourselves or are very familiar with the supplier. Next, the trip operator must be actively participating in sustainability-focused activities that benefit wildlife, local communities, carbon reduction, conservation, education and more.
Our Sustainability Specialist, Bronwyn Worrick, has developed the rubric for our Eco Scores™ for each destination we offer.
We only offer trips that benefit the destinations in positive ways. For example, our operators donate and implement water filtration systems in local communities, pay for a child’s full year of education per guest and financially support the local infrastructure through healthcare initiatives. We support our host communities and economies not only monetarily, but through cultural experiences. Our clients are invited into local homes to cook regional dishes, participate in traditional arts and craft lessons, and learn about historical sites from local scholars. We work closely with local operators to ensure their economy is boosted and supported by our respectful and curious travelers.
Who We Are
Our Story
Joy Martinello, Wild Nectar Collection Founder and CEO, “During the Covid-19 downtime, I took a long look at my skill set and what I might do to make a difference in the world. I’d had a solid career in the travel industry. I was always very good at travel planning plus I had two previous businesses of my own so I understood the entrepreneur’s journey. Travel is a privilege and I’ve long felt the industry wasn’t doing enough to monitor the carbon footprint of an activity that is an honor to experience.
So I asked myself, what if a travel sales and marketing company, a third party who was not a travel operator, could keep a close eye on what travel operators were doing, could offer eco scores that represent the travel operators’ sustainability efforts and could provide clients with the most immersive, wind-in-your-hair travel experiences all at the same time? Could a company who understands what kind of deeply affecting, exciting adventures travelers want, plus the desire for different levels of luxury, also be a force for promoting sustainability?
That’s what my team and I have set out to do. During my 16-year career, I’ve sent thousands of travelers on extraordinary trips. I’ve designed and managed polar expeditions. I’ve become aware of a stunning collection of unmatched adventures offered by operators who focus on sustainability. And now I’m going to use every insight I have to promote sustainable luxury travel.
Watching mist rise over a moon-like Icelandic landscape, leaning your head out the window of a small ship in Alaska to see two humpback whales breach right in front of you, having an elderly Costa Rican lady welcomes you into her kitchen and show you how to make tortillas--these experiences change people, have changed me as they all happened to me. I want to make sure more people can have these life-changing experiences and still protect the absolute source of them all: our beautiful, irreplaceable planet.”
Our Mission
We work as a form of service to our planet, to ourselves and all people. We champion diversity in all its forms; human, animal & plant. We promote travel as force for good as a means of educating, delighting, and up-lifting.
We authentically care about our clients, suppliers and coworkers and cherish the relationship with each individual.
Regarding sustainability, we maintain our curiosity while evaluating the latest research and data. We constantly redefine sustainability standards for the travel industry. We take regular steps to retain a negative carbon footprint.